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Recent scientific, technological and political developments have changed so profoundly the world we live in that they sometimes seem to render philosophy obsolete. Yet, they have prompted new moral problems which can — and ought to — be addressed philosophically. This entertaining and approachable introduction to contemporary practical ethics dusts off the discipline by anchoring present-day concerns within the broader philosophical tradition. In 25 short chapters, renowned philosophers identify the issues at stake in a wide variety of topics ranging from global warming, genetic selection and industrial farming to plastic surgery and social media. They expose and deconstruct contemporary ethical debates and outline the main contending arguments, inviting the reader to exercise their critical thinking and make up their own mind. Although the book is aimed at students at the beginning of their philosophical studies, it is also easily accessible to non-philosophers interested in these questions — that is, given the broad scope it covers, pretty much everyone.

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Дизайн квартир, проекты
Недвижимость Строительство №39 (508)
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Листогиб ручной серия X
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Недвижимость Строительство №39 () by Яркова Светлана - Issuu
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